Astrology, Astrology, Astrology by Bob Marks



 SECTIONS - 21.2 PALLAS, 21.4 VESTA & JUNO  21.3 Update on 01-Nov-2004 10:54 PM

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Introduction: The Alphabet of Astrology



The Alphabet of Astrology - Introduction To Astrology & This Course.


The Planets - Understand How The Planets Influence Us.
3.0 The Houses - How Houses Affect Your Life & How They Have An Effect.
4.0 The Signs - The Qualities & Elements of the 12 Sun Signs.
4.1 The Cardinal Signs
4.2 The Fixed Signs

The Mutable Signs

4.4 Fire Signs
4.5 Earth Signs
4.6 Air Signs
4.7 Water Signs


What Are Aspects? - Understanding Aspects & Angles (Read This Before Sub-Sections).

5.1 Pluto Aspects 
5.2 Neptune Aspects
5.3 Uranus
5.4 Saturn
5.5 Jupiter
5.6 Mars
5.7 Venus
5.8 Mercury
5.9 The Moon
5.10 The Sun


Planets in the Houses - What They Do & How They May Impact Your Life
6.1 First House
6.2 Second House
6.3 Third House
6.4 Fourth House
6.5 Fifth House
6.6 Sixth House
6.7 Seventh House
6.8 Eighth House
6.9 Ninth House
6.10 Tenth House
6.11 Eleventh House


Twelfth House
7.0 Planets in the Signs (Read This Section - Before Sub-Sections).
7.1 Aries
7.2 Taurus
7.3 Gemini
7.4 Cancer
7.5 Leo
7.6 Virgo
7.7 Libra
7.8 Scorpio
7.9 Sagittarius
7.10 Capricorn
7.11 Aquarius
7.12 Pisces
8.0 More About Houses: House Types (Read This Section - Before Sub-Sections).
8.1 The Angular Houses  - This Is Where You Start Things
8.2 Succedent Houses - This Is Where You Develop Things
8.3 Cadent Houses   - This Is  Where You Think (or not) & Prepare To Act
PART II: What Kind of Person is This?


How to put it together & find the person in the horoscope.


Finding the Most Important Planet


If You can Recognize Shapes, You Can Do Astrology
10.1 The Funnel Horoscope
10.2 The Locomotive Horoscope
10.3 The Bundle
10.4 The Splash
10.5 The Bowl
10.6 The See-Saw
10.7 The Splay


Astrology by Counting (If You Can Count, You Can Do Astrology)
11.1 Is Your Chart Top or Bottom Heavy & What it Means
11.2 Is Your Chart Right or Left Handed & What it Means
11.3 Do You Have a Majority of Planets in one Element & What it Means
11.4 Do You Have a Majority of Planets in one Quality & What it Means
11.5 Do You Have a Majority of Planets in One House Type & What it Means


Empty Elements and Qualities
12.1 What it Means if You Have an Empty Element
12.2 What it Means if You Have an Empty Quality
12.3 What it Means if You Have an Empty House Type.


Singletons, or How to Find the Most Important Planet by Counting
14.0 How to Find Connections With Ruling Planets
15.0 How to Interpret Aspect Patterns
15.1 The T-CrossAlso known as the T-Square 
15.2 The Grand Trine
15.3 The Grand T-Cross
15.4 The Rectangle
15.5 The Yod
16.0 How to Wow Clients by Using Derived Houses
17.0 Section II: Test & Reviews
PART III: How to Forecast the Future


What You CAN'T Change - Transits, Progressions, and Arcs
18.1 Pluto Transits
18.2 Neptune Transits
18.3 Uranus Transits
18.4 Saturn Transits
18.5 Jupiter  Transits
18.6 Mars Transits
18.7 Venus 
18.8 Mercury 
18.9 Moon 
18.10 Sun 


What You CAN Change: Get More of Anything By Traveling On Your Birthday 

19.1 The Birthday and Half-Birthday Charts
19.2 The Monthly Chart
19.3 Other Return Horoscopes
20.0 The Effect of Fixed Stars
21.0 The Asteroids
21.1 Ceres
21.2 Pallas
21.3 Juno
21.4 Vesta
21.5 Chiron
22.0 Section III: Test & Reviews
PART IV: The Astrology of World Events


Economic Cycles: So How Come All Astrologers Aren't Rich?
24.0 Long-Term Cycles That Affect Generations
24.1 Neptune
24.2 Pluto
PART V: Relationships


Comparing Two Horoscopes With Synastry:
Or How To Make BIG Mistakes In A Relationship Reading
26.0 The Relationship (Davison) Chart: The Composite Horoscope
27.0 How to Tell What's Really Going On: With People & Relationships
28.0 The "Marks" Chart: An advance so great, I had to name it after myself.  
PART VI: Medical Astrology
29.0 An Introduction to Medical Astrology: By Diane L. Cramer M.S.
29.1 The Signs of the Zodiac and Medical Astrology
29.2 The Quadratures in Medical Astrology
29.3 The Planets in Medical Astrology
29.4 Aspects in Medical Astrology
29.5 Predictive Techniques in Medical Astrology
PART VII: Special Topics


Electional Astrology: How to Pick the Best Time to Do Anything
31.0 Horary! The Closest Astrology Comes to Magic
32.0 Harmonic Analysis
32.1 What are Harmonics?
32.2 What Each Harmonic Means
33.0 Nodes of the Moon
34.0 Career, Jobs & Money
35.0 Section IV: Test & Reviews


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