The Best Books To Buy For Learning Real Astrology - After - of - COURSE!

You might be interested in highly recommended astrology books or software.

There are lots of books out there that take the Sun-Sign approach, which is generally useless. Be careful. Your horoscope is like your fingerprint. Nobody has the exact same chart as you unless they are born at exactly the same time and place. Yet many so-called astrology books only tell you about traits you share with millions of other people. That is not what astrology is about.

Other books seem to be written, as Oscar Wilde said of Henry James, as if the authors regarded writing as "a painful duty". Still others push the author's personal mystical views that have no place in a work on astrology. After all, what if you picked up a book on TV repair and were greeted by lengthy passages about your "karma"? "All right everybody. Now we are going to see what's wrong with that TV. But first, have you done anything today to save your soul? After all, that's what is really important." Maybe. But I really want to know how to fix my TV set.

For the most extensive selection of astrology software with descriptions and comparative reviews, we recommend going to Astrology Software Shop.

If you want to purchase some good astrology books, try the following:


Astrology for the Millions 
by Grant Lewi
A terrible title, but a good book. One of the best on  making a forecast by transits.  

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Linda Goodman's Sun Signs 
by Linda Goodman
What! First he tells us that Sun-Sign books are crap, and then he recommends one! Well after all, Sun-Signs are part of the alphabet of astrology and you just can't learn astrology without knowing what they are. Besides - this is simply the best Sun-Sign book ever.

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Asteroid Goddesses
Author: Demetra George
The first, and still the best, book on the influence of asteroids in your horoscope.

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New Insights into Astrology
Author: Nona Gwynn Press
A unique book with insights into number symbolism, aspects, harmonics, lunations, research, solar, and other returns, and asteroids. The most exciting discovery of the author is that when asteroids with names the same as, or similar to, those of yourself or significant others are added to your birth chart, their positions describe you or those significant others.

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Synastry: Understanding Human Relations through Astrology
Author: Ronald Davison
He does a complete job of explaining how to know about relationships from your horoscope. And it's easy to read as well. Buy this book today and enter to win a $50.00 gift certificate. 

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How to Give an Astrological Health Reading
Author: Diane Cramer
Medical Astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with the workings of the human body.  A competent medical astrologer can analyze a person's birth chart and determine bodily strengths and weaknesses, proneness to various disease states, and nutritional deficiencies. Buy this book today and enter to win a $50.00 gift certificate. 
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